Coursera Deep Learning Course 1 Week 1 notes: Introduction to deep learning


Introduction to Deep Learning
What is a neural network?

In the context of artificial neural network, ReLU function (Rectified Linear Unit) is an activation function defined as:

Figure 1. Neural network of House Price Prediction problem.
Source: Coursera Deep Learning course

The input layer and hidden layer are density connected, because every input feature is connected to every hidden layer feature.

Supervised Learning with Neural Networks

Some applications:

Input(x) Output(y) Application
Home features Price Real Estate
Ad, user info Click on ad? (0/1) Online Advertising
Image Object(1,..,1000) Photo tagging
Audio Text transcript Speech recognition
English Chinese Machine translation
Image, Radar info Position of other cars Autonomous driving

Figure 2. Neural network examples.
Source: Coursera Deep Learning course

Figure 3. Structured and Unstructured Data.
Source: Coursera Deep Learning course

Neural Networks have transformed supervised learning and are creating tremendous economic value.